Dr. Katherine Klos
Washington, DC
Board certified Urologist.
About Dr. Katherine Klos
Dr. Katherine Klos is a board certified Urologist practicing in Washington, DC. She completed her medical training at the University of Alabama and her urology residency at the George Washington University. Since graduating residency in 2012, she has developed a practice that focuses on pelvic health for both male and female patients.
Dr. Klos understands the multidimensional aspects of urologic care and believes in a partnership approach to help her patients reach their goals through traditional medical therapeutics and overall wellness strategies. She is passionate about medicine and constantly keeps herself up-to-date on the most progressive techniques available.
Dr. Klos is also active in research and developing technologies, and she serves in an advisory role at the FDA. Outside of patient care, she is a talented pastry chef and enjoys spending time with her three young children.
University of Alabama
The George Washington University Hospital
Board certification
American Board of Urology
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